The effect was surprising [Case Study Winiary] Second do not ship to bounce addresses . There are two types of reflections hard and soft. A hard bounce means that the message cannot be delivered to this email address the reason most often the address does not exist. Soft reflection in turn that only at the moment the message could not be delivered but the system will try again after some time. Reason mailbox full or server error. I suggest that after how many failed sends to consider the recipient as a bouncer set or for hard bounces for soft bounces. Our system will automatically mark such addresses as reflective and will not ship to them which does not mean that the addresses will be deleted.
Email campaigns By creating message templates and sending messages you can also save yourself some work. Especially when it consists in re sending the campaign to a similar base including follow ups. Here you will also learn what to do to ensure that your shipments bring the best results while not poring over Taiwan WhatsApp Number List reports at night. Create templates in the library Instead of creating a new campaign every time just to work on a message template take advantage of the possibilities offered by the template library. You will find it in the Library E mail tab. In the library you can create a master template a skeleton from which you can then choose the elements needed for the next campaign.
If on the other hand your template always looks the same thanks to the action in the library it will be easier for you to duplicate it and create a campaign based on it. Working on templates in the library also works well when more than one person is working on the campaign you can share such a template with a colleague with literally three clicks. Add a TXT version to the HTML message A small thing and you can be sure that the recipient will read the content of the message regardless of what system he uses to view e mail. All you have to do is click TXT Version when creating a campaign in HTML CKEditor . Then in the upper right corner click Generate from HTML content to ensure that the text and encoded versions match.