The inspection or maintenance. He simply streams videos directly from the hazardous area to the experts in the control room or elsewhere, shares images of the damage and receives expert support. Without losing valuable time, experts can make a remote diagnosis in real time and immediately initiate the necessary measures or repairs, including ordering materials - without a specialist having to personally visit the plant or even the offshore platform. In addition, smartphones or tablets can be integrated into the radio traffic as digital radio devices with push-to-talk apps. This makes it possible to share and receive information in real time at any time, for example in group calls.
This drastically reduces costly downtime and Latest Mailing Database repair times. Make better decisions and increase productivity Competitive, productivity and profitability advantages of Industry . can only be tapped with a consistently high information density along the entire decision and process chain. With mobile dashboards, executives have comprehensive and clear access to data, knowledge and information at all times, which employees - who are responsible for the production and operation of plants, for example - feed live into backend systems.
Based on this, they can act proactively instead of reactively, recognize trends and make data-based predictions - in short: they make better decisions. Employees, in turn, can concentrate fully on their respective tasks on site with digital work plans and orders. Planning apps integrated into ERP systems are used to visualize orders and resources, live monitoring, processing and much more. The mobile worker sees the order and work tasks for which he is authorized on his smartphone or tablet. He records easily and quickly on his mobile device which work steps and tasks he has completed, how much time he needed and which materials were used. The appropriate application automatically.